...Learning not to settle for the "American Dream"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Helpful Hints"

Scenario: Young mom arrives at library with her two children. It is raining, and cold. She opens the back door to get out baby #1 to find that baby has pulled off socks and shoes! Mom, stuck bending over in the cold rain, frantically tries to find shoes and socks and put them back on baby. I mean, they couldn't have gone far!..What did she do...eat them??.In the meantime child #2 has ripped all of the pages out of the library book that mom is returning! While holding baby #1 and trying to get child #2 out of the car (with destroyed library book) mom realizes that she FORGOT the diaper bag and she smells something a bit suspicious...She runs through the parking lot holding the baby and pulling the other child- everyone getting soaked...when suddenly the thought comes to her "there must be an easier way".

And that is when the sweet, experienced mom approaches her and offers her a towel to dry off with, a diaper for her baby, and gives her some great practical advice...LIKE: Have you tried using the double stroller to come into the library? Or when its raining just put a onesie with footie's on the baby so she can't take off her socks and shoes. Oh, and have you ever thought of leaving extra diapers and wipes in the car- so you don't need a diaper bag? And, you should never put library books in the back seat with your children....and on and on and on. Suddenly the young mom thinks "Duh! I should have known that"...but really, the experienced mom only new those "helpful hints" because she had so many "bad library experiences" herself to learn from.

My point is, I have had so many experienced women(especially my mom) offer me very simple, and practical advice that has helped me "manhandle" two young children, keep a somewhat consistent schedule, keep smiling faces, public meltdowns to a minimum, and still have time to do what I enjoy. So, "helpful hints" is intended to do just that...pass along simple, practical things that have worked for us. I will be posting under "helpful hints" at random...so stay tuned. And PLEASE leave your helpful hints for us all to read!

You can still exercise!!
I am so fortunate to be surrounded by so many young moms in this season of life and I have noticed a repetitive theme in conversation... moms expressing a desire to remain healthy and exercise but it seems impossible with small children. Well, whether you are a working or stay at home mom- I have good news. You CAN still exercise...It just may look a little different than it did when before you became a mommy.
One thing I have learned to do is exercise WITH my children. Here are some different options.
1. Walk or run with kids in stroller
2. Do lunges with kids in stroller
3. Do crunches while holding baby or toddler on knees (they love this)
4.. Have a "dance party"... This is Charis's favorite. We have moves to her favorite songs and I set the clock and we don't stop til the timer goes off...GREAT cardio workout.
** THis is also a great time to reinforce what you are teaching your children. For us we sing bible verses we are learning, our ABC's, and we practice counting as we do push ups and squats. ** Side note: I usually get my ab workout by laughing
hysterically at Charis's moves...see pic below.
And in case you are wondering we do this during Addy Kate's morning nap...so she doesn't get hurt :-) We can't wait for her to join us!

Charis has the best work out moves...

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